The Finetether project is a Career fit plus project led by Dr Keerthi Sagar. The objective of FineTETHER is two-fold: (i) to demonstrate at TRL6-7 a teleoperation system such that the operator can control a dual arm robotic system remotely to execute a complex medical device assembly tasks (ii) To use the data generated by teleoperation system to produce control policies for the robotic (output) system such that the robot can semi-autonomously execute, repeatedly, defined manipulation tasks. FineTETHER will explore the novel concept of Mixed Reality based Teleoperation with Tactile Feedback and will build upon the core concepts of optimization-based human-in-the loop for shared autonomy policies. IMR’s state-of-the-art robotic cell equipped with haptic sensors, virtual reality on the master side and a dual arm robot system with force and vision feedback on the robot/output side will be used.